Sunday 6 September 2015

Tho Old Man And The Sea. Summer Book



Autor: Ernest Hemingway
Editorial: Charles Scribner's Sons
Publication Date: 1 of september of 1952
Pages: 127
The book win a Pulitzer Prize of fiction.

Resultado de imagen de ernest Hemingway
Resultado de imagen de the old man and the seaARGUMENT

The history places us in Gulf Stream off the coast of Havana, and tells about a fisherman that has a very bad lucky, he not captures any fish in 84 days. The name of the fisherman is Santiago, but everyone calls it "The Old". One day Santiago trys to go fishing alone, and he capture a big swordfish, but the swordfish had more strong than Santiago, so the fish drags the men offshore. Santigo fought with the fish three days, where Santiago reminds his past life. Also reminds Manolin, a young which helped him to fish a few days ago, but now don't helps Santigo because the fathers of Manolin, seeing the bad luck of Santiago, don't let to work with him. After arriving to the port, Santigo goes to his house,because he was exhausted. In the next morning Santiago goes to his boat, and discovered a crowd in front of the body of a giant swordfish. Manolin to see him, he decided to work with him again.


Is a classic book, and I can't sayd that the book like me bacause I think the argument of the book is so infant to me. Outside that great detail, I think that I can extend my knowledge of English
Resultado de imagen de swordfish

Friday 7 August 2015

Trip To Ireland

This summer, I traveled to Ireland to learn more about English, but in return for learn English I did more friends. The trip consisted in stay 2 weeks or 3 weeks or 1 month with a Irish family in their house, and beetwen weeks go to a class in a centre that alkyl the company.

In the stared of trip I had bad expectatives for the trip, because I had bad experiencies with this kind of trip. But one of the good things was that I went with Alejandro Patiรฑo. We started the trip on June 28, we caught the plane in Manises airport and we arrived to Ireland at dinner time. In first day the teachers divided students in groups by levels. And after this and presentations in the respective classes we visited the town.

The town that I stayed was KillKenny, a town in the south of the island. This townn had a medieval style in the houses, and also the castle and cathedral gives it a medieval air. My favorite place in the town was a big, big, big park (who looked like Hobbiton).

My irish family was friendly with me and they seemed like good people. The family consisted in a mam that was divorcee, a stepfather, and a child that was the son of mom. The name of the mam was Elise, the name of the father Jim, and the name of the child Qaham.

In the two weeks that I stayed in Ireland I learn about the culture, sports, traditions, etc... of the country.

Wednesday 15 April 2015


In this holiday I went to the cinema to see a film. I went with my family to Yelmo Cines a cinema next to the River. The film was Chappie a current film that is about a robot.

The city of Johannesburg, in South Africa i shte most dangerous city in the world, with more than 300 homicides a day. In this city the losses of lives of police forces above average, but a new company of robotics (Tetravaal) creates the first team of robotic police. The creator of these robots, Deon Wilson (Dev Patel) has another ambition create an artificial intelligence that mimics the human mind, but the boss of company Michelle Bradley (Sigourney Weaver) denies the project, and Dion decides to take an injured robot to experiment with him. But when he's going to their home, but the band of Ninja kidnaps him to force him to create a robot to follow his orders...
And then comes Chappie

The director of the film is Neill Blomkamp, and the genre is science fiction. Also in the film appears Hugh Jackman, with the name of Vincent, as the bad. I like th film, and I reommend that you see it

Monday 5 January 2015

My Expectatives to the Travel of France

I talk in this post about the travel to the beaches of Normandia. In may, my class and me going to go to France, and after this travel the french boy come to Spainh, to the house of my clase and me. The spanish and french people will do a exchange.

In the las summer we travel to Germany, but no like a exchange,  if not only like a visit, with EuroWater, a group of cooperatives. In this travel we visit a town in the north of Germany, nex to Bremen.

In this travel all of my companys passed it with more funny, but my germany, with all of the respect, was a cocoon. He won't do case to me, he only played a game with only 32 bits by texture, a shot of game that is name is Minecraft

My expectatives to the travel of France are...  I hope that my French will be better friend than the German, and that he measure more that 1'50m. And that don't play Minecraft.

Sunday 4 January 2015

Christmas Book. Thunderball

This book, of Ian Fleming a british writer, is about that a plane with two nuclears bombs is missing and  the fear invades all the governments of world, and can only mean one thing; Nuclear blackmail. The person who stolen the bombs claims a conditions, and if these conditions don'r met, he explode the bombs.

This book is the tipical adventure of James Bond, and I like it because i don't read many books of this type, but in a parts are boring.

I take this book of my house, because my mother sayd to me that took this book, because it is going to like me, bla bla bla.

In general I like it